
How a Drunk Driver Hit a Motorcyclist
A drunk driver struck a motorcyclist recently. The motorcyclist sustained serious injuries and had to be flown to Robert Sayre Hospital. The driver was charged with failure to yield and keep right of way, driving under the influence, and reckless behavior. In addition to the injury to the motorcyclist, the driver was also charged with […]

Many people think that lane splitting causes motorcycle accidents, but that is simply not true. While it is safer for other drivers to keep in their lane, it can lead to road rage that could affect your compensation if an accident occurs. There are some things you need to know before merging lanes. Continue reading […]

Motorcycle Rear-End on Country Road
There are many reasons why your motorcycle is rear-ended on a country roadway. The collision was likely caused by the car driver being distracted, impaired, or driving too quickly. In addition, the car in front of you probably came to a sudden stop. Slowing down and paying attention to your surroundings will help you avoid […]

There are a number of factors to consider when planning your next trip on a highway. For example, puddles on the road can be caused by melted ice on the food trucks or unmarked potholes or uneven utility hole covers. The absence of warning signs of danger increases the chance of a motorcycle crash. Failure […]

After a motorcycle accident in a construction zone, you should immediately seek medical attention. You may have hidden injuries that take time to show themselves. It is a good idea also to file a police complaint. You can include important information such as the contact information of the other driver, witnesses, and construction workers. Make […]

In motorcycle accident claims, liability is often determined by comparing tangible damages to the amount of lost wages. Pain and suffering damages are also calculated using a multiplier method or a per diem method. The multiplier method multiplies the amount of tangible damages by the severity of the injury and applies it to a particular […]

Traumatic brain injury is the most serious type of motorcycle accident injuries. This injury is caused when a severe blow to the head causes permanent brain damage. While concussions can be treated at home with rest and pain medication, more severe injuries may require life-saving surgery. Concussions usually require significant time off from work and […]

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident If you have recently been in a motorcycle accident, you may be wondering what to do next. In New York state, you have the right to file a police report. Calling the police to file a report is crucial if you are going to seek compensation for the […]

Important Things to Remember About Motorcycle Accidents In New York, victims of motorcycle accidents must file a police report. As soon as possible, call the police and ask them to investigate the accident. The police can help gather evidence. If you can’t do this yourself, you should hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you […]

Motorcycle Accident Injuries
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be wondering if you can receive compensation. In New York State, motorcyclists do not have no-fault benefits, which limits their medical options. It is critical that you enroll in a quality medical insurance plan before a motorcycle accident. Otherwise, it […]