
Pre-existing conditions can impact your ability to receive compensation for motorcycle accidents. Some pre-existing conditions may make you more vulnerable to specific injuries. If you have a medical condition, bring your medical records to your motorcycle accident attorney. California law allows you to file a claim for damages if you have sustained an aggravated injury. […]

Tips For Motorcyclists Riding at Night
These are some tips to keep in mind if you plan on riding your motorcycle at night. Whether you’re riding in the city or traveling through rural areas, you’ll want to take certain precautions to protect yourself. Here are some tips to help you stay safe on the roads, including how to protect yourself from […]

In motorcycle accident cases, a plaintiff must establish negligence to win the case. While many motorcycle accident cases may involve multiple defendants, it is possible to prove that one or more of them were at fault. Generally, the injured victim or family member of a deceased person must establish negligence by proving that the defendant […]

How Split Lanes Cause Motorcycle Accidents?
Split lanes are dangerous practices that most drivers fail to consider. Most of these drivers do not expect motorcycles to be on the road, and lack of experience and awareness leads to unfortunate accidents for both drivers and motorcyclists. Here are some tips to safely split lanes. Then, avoid these common mistakes to avoid getting […]

Often, people associate pedestrian accidents with elderly people, children running into the street, and inattentive drivers. But pedestrians of all ages and physical conditions are vulnerable to accidents and can be hurt in many ways. These are some of the most common reasons pedestrian accidents occur. Let’s look at some of these situations. How can […]

In a left-hook collision, the driver of the left-turning vehicle is typically at fault. There are many factors that can play into the accident. If the left-turning vehicle failed to yield to the motorcyclist, the motorcycle driver may also be liable for the accident. Here are some tips for recovering after a left-hook collision. No […]

If you ride a motorcycle on city streets, you need to be extra careful. It is possible that a car could rear-end you on a city street. There are many reasons this can happen, including distracted driving and double parking. Speeding and inexperienced drivers are all possible. These four factors can lead to a fatal […]

What are your rights as a passenger in a motorcycle accident? Riders on motorcycles have different rights than car passengers. Even if you are partially responsible, no-fault insurance covers passengers. The cost of medical care following a motorcycle accident can be high and your rights as a passenger may become compromised by the negligence of […]

Injured in a car accident? You may be eligible for compensation if another driver was at fault. These are some of the most common car accidents, with all relevant facts. Read on to learn about the accident investigation process and what to expect. Learn about the Right of Way as well as the financial situation […]

Pedestrian Hit by Rider
When a motorcyclist hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian has the right of way. In a crosswalk, the motorcyclist is required to yield to the pedestrian. The at-fault driver must also pay for medical expenses and time off from work. The injured pedestrian can also file a claim against either the motorcyclist’s uninsured motorist or underinsured […]